Ray Tapajna tells facts about free trade, global economy since 1956

"The House of Cards" ready to fall - letter predicted the coming of our Bewildered New World

Critical Factor News - Ray Tapajna
Made in USA Trump
About you in the global economy
Color it Purple -both U.S. political parties act as one- No red or blue states -just purple
Double Talk from the land of is and World Trade Organization Out of Order
Communications by Rank - Workers have no voice - and more about Intelligent Design
U.S. Plays Dangerous Game of Globalism
Workers are not tools of Capitalism. The Dignity of Work has been betrayed
F R E E Tapsearch Com Unlimited Free Services with free offer
Power to the People Art that Talks News Story
America Dream Reversed - Middle Class missing in action
The Silent Depression
Working Poor in a Silent Depression and Media and Leaders silent too
Are you un-netted in global economic arena
American Nightmare continues - unemployment , underemployment and uncounted misery
No accounting for Federal Reserve, "Unfair Trade"- vote out all who voted for it :
U.S. Sells out Workers, What year was this published?
Our economy is like an orchestra without drums or a choir without a harmonious tone
Pearl Harbor attack on workers- Clinton, Gingrich, Bush, Obama
No Room in the Boat for workers in global economy
Explore lost worlds in Globalist Flat World
U.S. Economy is on life support - Pres. Obama ignores wounded workers
Experts who predicted the economic crisis
Brutal flexibilization of labor - Free Trade- CAFTA, NAFTA and GATT
It is about you, restoring our cities and Drew Carey
About Ray Tapajna from Babe Ruth NY League page
Taking it Global - Bizarre Politics & The Rationale ( Philosophy and Religion - summaries)
Free trade keeps triggering a race to the bottom
Honda, Toyota etc coming to America - Made in USA passe
Why does AFL CIO endorse Free Trade Globalists
For the People American Dream Renew art series
Town Hall Meetings and Tea Party Alert - The Real Causes of our Economic Crisis
Is 7.50 per hour the magic word
Help renew the American Dream for all in the world- Google Alerts & Expert Rated Ezine Articles
Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State - Revisit the Land of "is" - The eye of our economic storms
Economic and Cultural issues from Slovak Spectator News & Workers Dignity
A hundred years of endless wars in the Middle East
Ethical Corp. Magazine & Outside the Will of the People -petition
Real Tax Reform - Transaction Taps instead of Taxes
Trade Deficit in denial
Unions not what they used to be from Tapsearch Com
Ray Tapajna : FTC post - If this is a good economy, I would hate to see a bad....back to the future
"The House of Cards" ready to fall - letter predicted the coming of our Bewildered New World
Cross 9/11 Tangle of Terror Art - Who can untangle the terror globalization and free trade have bred
Affects of Poverty and Unemployment on education
Economic Diseases Are Highly Communicable-FDR.....Rep Marcy Kaptur letter
Abortion is also a social economic geopolitical problem
High Tech baloney about restoring our cities? :
Iraqi War ignited cultures of death in the Middle East
Who really benefits from tax cuts when American Workers are "Commoditized"?
Tapsearch Tapart News Super Links

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A city surrenders to Free Trade
Walmart built in the graveyard of the steel industy in Cleveland

Ray's new Art that Talks and Living Healing Art Gallery at http://ray-tapajna.artistwebsites.com Preview slide show below.

The House of Cards Economy by Paul Donovan predicted the coming of our economic crisis. It was published twice in the Steel Industry Magazine - the first time about ten years ago.
See also Paul's article at  Google .. 
Unions and the value of work - Ethics Box

Nov 10, 2010 ... The letters will be posted here at the Ethics Box. ... Labor news that no one talks about. This is by Paul Donovan a long time steel worker ...

about unions and the value of labor-

Workers Betrayed by Globalist Free Traders
Pres. Bush 1, Pres Clinton, Pres Bush 2 and Pres Obama
HOUSE OF CARDS ECONOMY - Ready to fall _____________________________________
 By: Paul M Donovan, Steelworker, Local 188 retired from SteelLabor Magazine 2001/2002.
       People get worried because 5,000 (Cleveland) LTV steelworkers may soon lose their jobs and the community will lose millions of dollars because these jobs added dollars for others up the line from raw product to the finished product and then through distribution channels.
    If this is dangerous, we should know that once there were 140,000 steelworkers in Ohio (1965 Statistics) represented by five union Districts. There is now only one District left in the State. In our local region, we once had 29,000 steelworkers and now there is less than 8000 left. (since then, 5000 more steelworkers have lost their jobs with  only 3000 left in the region now in 2002).
    Our region, which led the way in steel and other manufacturing, is now replaced by an economy based on taxpayers with very little value-added stages left. Of the top twenty-five employers, five are government employers. The biggest employer is the Federal Government with the County and Cities close behind. Seven are related to the medical industry. Three are in school systems or colleges. Two are  utilitiy companies. Following these employers are banks and insurance, which depend on other value-added stages to exist. So, out of the top twenty-five employers, only two are left who are value-added manufacturers.
    This is an economy based on a house of cards. ( and primarily supported by taxpayers.), If only a few more cards are pulled from the base the whole thing will topple. The businesses that are thriving are temporary help offices, payday loan stores and equity loan businesses. This is not a foundation to build your economic house. We have a house of cards economy ready to fall.
(Paul M Donovan )

On Sweatshops -By Ray W. Tapajna from Catholic Universe Bulletin, 4/4/97
    I am afraid the textile industry is not the only one that depends on sweatshop conditions.
    We represented the last computer manufacturer who actually made computers in this country. Computers are only assembled here by $5.50 an hour workers with the parts coming from all the sweatshops of the world. Even software is now included with the White House awarding a contract to the lowest bidder from India.
    We can also do the same with almost every industry now with only a brand name left as the face to the customer. Everything else of the company like this no longer exist.
    I have been trying to get the story out for years with very little success with both parties backing NAFTA and GATT. Both bills were passed in a fast track mode too. GATT was passed by a lameduck Congress which did not answer to the people.
    If you just cover one area in clothing goods, you may be doing an injustice because this issue alone will hide the rest.

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Ray's most popular topical editorial art online  is part of millions of references &  resources on the worldwide web. Search under - Clinton Years American Dream Reversed or Double Talk from the land of is. See story at http://tapsearch.com/clinton
And note Hillary wasn't home baking cookies when her husband pushed the passage of free trade economics. Running for president in 2015-16, she is trying to hide her part in the process.
See http://tapsearch.com/backfire/

Original Clinton Years American Dream Reverse has
millions of references and resources online

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Ray Tapajna Living Journal explores news and issues related to human dignity in the workday